Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Turtle fence reschedule date

The turtle fence work party has been rescheduled for Saturday, July 10
8-12AM. Still need volunteers. Can you help?

To stop box turtles from getting run over near the entrance to Cedar
Hill Road Park, the township has OKed a turtle fence (a 2 foot high silt
fence) if we can get volunteers to put it up.
When: Saturday, July 10, 8-12AM (early start to beat the mid-day summer sun)
Where: Park cars at Cedar Hill Road Park parking lot. Work site is
across the street from the park entrance.
Type of work: Mainly shoveling dirt and pounding in fence stakes.
For more info, contact: Ret Turner, 215-643-4397, returner@voicenet.com.
Please RSVP for full details and what to bring.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Volunteers needed this Saturday

Volunteers needed to erect a turtle fence on along Cedar Hill Road.

To stop box turtles from getting run over near the entrance to Cedar Hill Road Park, the township has OKed a turtle fence (a 2 foot high silt fence) if we can get volunteers to put it up.
When: Saturday, June 26, 8-12AM (early start to beat the mid-day summer sun)
Where: Park cars at Cedar Hill Road Park parking lot. Work site is across the street from the park entrance.
Type of work: Mainly shoveling dirt and pounding in fence stakes.
For more info, contact: Ret Turner, 215-643-4397, returner@voicenet.com. Please RSVP for full details and what to bring.

The Eastern box turtle is in serious trouble in Horsham Township and surrounding areas. Many factors are putting it in
jeopardy, including:
• Ongoing loss and fragmentation of habitat
• Roadway mortality
• Injuries or death from lawnmowers and other machinery
• Collection by people for pets and commercial poaching
In Pennsylvania (and many other states) the Eastern box turtle is protected. It is illegal to catch, take or harm them, or to
possess a box turtle that has been taken from the wild. [regulating authority: PA Fish and Boat Commission]
Here’s how you can help save our local box turtles in Horsham Township from dying out:
• Watch out for turtles in the road, especially during June & early July when females are searching for a place to
nest. If you come upon a turtle in the road, stop in the road if you can do so safely, thereby blocking other
vehicles from running over the turtle. Turn on your 4-way flashers. Take the turtle out of the roadway (be
careful if it’s a snapper turtle), over to the side where it was headed. If it was headed to an untenable area,
return it to the side it was coming from, placing it well away from the roadway.
• If you live by turtle habitat, watch out for turtles when mowing the lawn or using other machinery on the yard.
• If you see a turtle that’s been injured in the road or by a lawn mower, take it to a wildlife rehabilitation facility,
such as the Schuykill Center Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Philadelphia (215.482.8217.)
• If you see a turtle in the woods, take pictures and admire it, but leave it be. Box turtles should never be taken for
a pet. It’s bad for the turtle and jeopardizes the local turtle population. And it’s ILLEGAL! Never relocate a box
turtle far from its home range. It has to stay put, otherwise it will wander around trying to find its way back to its
“home turf”, likely dying in the attempt.
• Support efforts to set aside enough natural habitat to sustain a viable box turtle population.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Park Creek Watershed Association Meeting

There will be a meeting tonight at the Horsham Library at 7PM.
We do not have a room reserved so will be in the cafeteria or one of the
small glassed rooms at the back.

This will most likely be the last formal meeting until September due to summer

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Kohler Park Plan being presented

On Monday, June 21st, at 7PM there will be a presentation of the Kohler Park Plan
at the Horsham Township building. If you are interested in learning more about what is being planned for Kohler Park, you should plan on attending.

The meeting will be held in council chambers.

Contact Horsham Township for further information.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Vote to plant more trees in parks!

Beginning May 25, Pennsylvania State Parks will be competing with the 49 other states in the “Plant a Tree” online campaign sponsored by Odwalla fruit juices. Citizens across the nation will be asked to go to the Odwalla website, and vote for their favorite state to have a tree planted. Please help Pennsylvania become the top vote-getter and score the most dollars for state park trees.

Vote on May 25th for more trees in PA State Parks at


View our campaign video featuring “Barry White Oak” at www.visitPAparks.com

Thursday, March 11, 2010

PCWA meeting tonight

There will be a meeting of the Park Creek Watershed Association tonight at 7PM at the Horsham Township Library.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Stormwater Control Talk for Homeowners

Date: Monday, March 1

Time: 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Location: Horsham Township Building, 1025 Horsham Road, Horsham PA 19044

Event: Stormwater Control Talk for Homeowners


Horsham Township invites you to come out for a short educational session about stormwater management and what residents can do on their properties to help control it. We will discuss infiltration, rain gardens, rain barrels, pervious pavers, infiltration trenches and general house keeping for your property. We will also discuss backyard buffers that you can install to help with stormwater control. We will have two speakers; Joanne Dahme from the Philadelphia Water Department and Susan Harris from the Montgomery County Conservation District to present the information and answer questions. At the end of the session we will give away one rain barrel to a member of the audience. Any questions please call Horsham Township at 215-643-3131.

William T. Walker

Friday, February 19, 2010

PA renewable energy and sustainable living festival

September 17, 18,& 19, 2010 in Kempton PA
Check out the www.paenergyfest.com web site for more information

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Park Creek Watershed Association Meeting

There will be a meeting of the Park Creek Watershed Association on February 18,2010
at the Horsham Township Library.

Meeting time is 7PM

Meetings are open to the public. Please feel free to join us.

Schuylkill Watershed Congress

Recent snow storms may have you feeling like Spring is far away, but one sure sign of Spring is just around the corner: the annual Schuylkill Watershed Congress. Did you know that this year's Congress is just 30 days away?

This year the Congress will be held on Saturday, March 13th, at the Montgomery County Community College in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. As always, our 2010 event features a diverse program with concurrent and poster sessions covering a broad range of watershed topics. Whether you are a volunteer dedicated to improving your watershed, a municipal official who cares about water resources, a conservation professional charged with protecting our waterways, a teacher who wants to inform others about watersheds, or a student who wants to know more about stream functions, the Schuylkill Watershed Congress offers something for you.

Register by Friday, February 26th, 2010, to qualify for the $40 Early Registration Fee. After February 26th, the Registration Fee increases to $50 per person. Registration fees cover participation in Saturday’s program, Saturday morning’s hospitality and lunch.

The 2010 Keynote Presentation offers a panel discussion titled "How to Challenge a Stormwater Permit and Win: A Look at the Crum Creek Neighbors Decision."
Michele Adams (Meliora Environmental Design), James A. Schmid, Ph. D. (Schmid & Company, Inc., Consulting Ecologists), and John Wilmer (Environmental Attorney), will tell the story behind the recent successful legal challenge to a stormwater permit given to a developer in an Exceptional Value designated watershed in Delaware County.

This year’s program features 28 concurrent sessions and 7 poster sessions covering a broad range of watershed topics:
* Drinking Water Protection *
* Special Protection Waters *
* Restoration Case Studies *
* Flood Plain Mapping *
* Water Monitoring *
* Invasive Species *
* Natural Gas Drilling *
* Urban Greening *
* Watershed Education *
Please note: The speakers, topics and times shown in the conference overview are correct at the time of printing. The Program Committee reserves the right to alter, delete or replace items in the Schuylkill Watershed Congress program in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

For complete details on all sessions being offered and for registration and sponsorship information, go to: http://delawareriverkeeper.org/aboutus/2010_SWC_Overview.pdf
Registration forms can be downloaded from:

The 2010 Schuylkill Watershed Congress is made possible in part by a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation’s Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund, and Pennsylvania Sea Grant. Please consider becoming a financial sponsor of the 2010 Schuylkill Watershed Congress. For more information, contact chari@delawareriverkeeper.org.

The 2010 Schuylkill Watershed Congress is presented by the Delaware Riverkeeper Network in association with: Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia • Alliance for a Sustainable Future • Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring • Ambler EAC • Ambler Tree Tenders • Bucks County Planning Commission • Center in the Park Senior Environmental Corps • Cadastral Consulting • Clean Water Action • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Villanova University • Eastern Pennsylvania Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation • Friends of Manayunk Canal • Friends of Mingo Creek • Greater Pottstown Watershed Alliance • Hay Creek Watershed Association • Hawk Mountain Sanctuary • Hopewell Big Woods Partnership • Landscape Architecture Program, Philadelphia University • League of Women Voters of PA WREN Project • Lower Merion Conservancy • Maiden Creek Watershed Association • A.D. Marble & Co. • Montgomery County Community College • Montgomery County Conservation District • Montgomery County Lands Trust • Montgomery County Planning Commission • Octoraro Native Plant Nursery, Inc. • Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources • Pennsylvania Environmental Council • Pennsylvania Sea Grant • Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy • Philadelphia Water Department • Reading Area Community College • Schuylkill Action Network • Schuylkill Canal Association • Schuylkill Headwaters Association • Schuylkill River National and State Heritage Area • Stell Environmental Enterprises • Streamline Organizational Services • Stroud Water Research Center • United States Fish and Wildlife Service • Valley Forge Trout Unlimited • West Chester Fish, Game & Wildlife Association • Wissahickon Valley Watershed Association

Seventh Annual PennFuture Watershed Workshop:

Seventh Annual PennFuture Watershed Workshop:
Bold Action to Protect Water Quality in Philadelphia and Beyond

Saturday, April 17, 2010, at Friends Center in Philadelphia

The Philadelphia Water Department has some of the most exciting and ambitious plans and regulations in the country to protect and improve water quality. Reserve your spot to learn about these cutting edge initiatives and how they might catch on in other parts of Pennsylvania.

This workshop will update watershed groups, conservancies, municipal government officials, and interested residents on the changes Philadelphia is making to ensure the health of our waterways. These changes can serve as a model for other municipalities who not only seek to better manage their stormwater, but also want to build their economy by simultaneously improving their overall physical environment. Hear from the folks behind this new approach to stormwater management and from those who are making the change happen.

* Christine Marjoram, manager of the Stormwater Plan Review & Incentive Program at the Philadelphia Water Department (PWD), will review stormwater management regulations and how they are changing;
* Joanne Dahme, program manager, PWD Office of Watersheds and PennFuture’s own Brian Glass, staff attorney, will explain the changes that are being made to the commercial stormwater charge and why it is it likely to result in better stormwater management;
* Maggie Allio of the Trans-Pacific Engineering Corp andJoanne Dahme of PWD Office of Watersheds will discuss the need for and strategies around implementing integrated watershed management planning;
* Marc Cammarata, manager of watershed planning and engineering for PWD and Brian Glass will delve into Philadelphia’s bold combined sewer overflow long term control plan update, Green City, Clean Waters and the benefits it offers over other plans being put forward across the country;
* PennFuture’s own Rachel Vassar, Philadelphia outreach coordinator will take a look at Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling, and why it is relevant to southeastern Pennsylvania’s water quality;

Other highlights of the day include:

* A guided tour of the Friends Center green roof and other water management practices incorporated into the facility;
* A chance to win a rain barrel to manage stormwater management at home; and
* Light breakfast, lunch and materials!

The cost of the workshop is FREE to PennFuture members; $10 for non-members. Space is limited and registration is required by Friday, April 9, 2010; register online today or by calling 717-214-7920.

Saturday, April 17, 2010, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Friends Center at 1501 Cherry St. Philadelphia, PA. Directions are available here.

Space is limited - register today!