Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Turtle fence reschedule date

The turtle fence work party has been rescheduled for Saturday, July 10
8-12AM. Still need volunteers. Can you help?

To stop box turtles from getting run over near the entrance to Cedar
Hill Road Park, the township has OKed a turtle fence (a 2 foot high silt
fence) if we can get volunteers to put it up.
When: Saturday, July 10, 8-12AM (early start to beat the mid-day summer sun)
Where: Park cars at Cedar Hill Road Park parking lot. Work site is
across the street from the park entrance.
Type of work: Mainly shoveling dirt and pounding in fence stakes.
For more info, contact: Ret Turner, 215-643-4397, returner@voicenet.com.
Please RSVP for full details and what to bring.

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