Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Stormwater Control Talk for Homeowners

Date: Monday, March 1

Time: 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Location: Horsham Township Building, 1025 Horsham Road, Horsham PA 19044

Event: Stormwater Control Talk for Homeowners


Horsham Township invites you to come out for a short educational session about stormwater management and what residents can do on their properties to help control it. We will discuss infiltration, rain gardens, rain barrels, pervious pavers, infiltration trenches and general house keeping for your property. We will also discuss backyard buffers that you can install to help with stormwater control. We will have two speakers; Joanne Dahme from the Philadelphia Water Department and Susan Harris from the Montgomery County Conservation District to present the information and answer questions. At the end of the session we will give away one rain barrel to a member of the audience. Any questions please call Horsham Township at 215-643-3131.

William T. Walker

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